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:) Lola and Danielle

... I've tried writing my thoughts out. Honest to goodness, I have. But it's really hard to write all your demanding thoughts out with a simple pen in a simple 59 cent notebook on a simple piece of white, lined , paper. And honest to goodness, I'm not that simple.
I'm probably the most "unsimple" person you have ever met. And thats just the beginning.
Let me give you a quick summary of my life. My name is Ana Anders. I'm short, or I guess the fashionable name is 'petite' (blah). I have hazel blond-brown hair that's somewhat wavy. All my friends say they love my hair, but sometimes I want to rip the frizzy mass out of my head. I talk way too much sometimes, and I consider myself to be super friendly. I live for laughing and fairy tales. My four favorite things in the whole world are traveling, music, reading, and writing. Oh and praying, but lately I haven't felt, well, really connected when I've prayed, but anyway... I'm a major multi-tasker. I can sing along to my favorite songs while reading, writing, and doing pretty much anything. By the way, did I mention that I LOVE writing music. I'm also a bit unorganized as you may have noticed. So... I'm thirteen and that's probably my lucky number, because so far, it's been a lucky year. On my birthday, I got a laptop, and that was defenitly a major steal. More facts about me.... my birthday is November 29 and I got a bunch of really cute outfits from one of my cousins. My cousin thinks that I have 'great potential' and has taken me under her wing. Lots of times she gives me a bunch of advice (sometimes it's unwanted advice that's kind of blunt) but if I suffer through the advice, I usually get something awesome, like makeup or a new beauty product. Plus the new clothes from my cousins, I got a bunch of books that I've been dying to read. Lastly, my grandparents got me a new guitar! I was so, so, so excited! I've wanted my own guitar for ages! Yup, it's been a good year so far. Anyway, back to our main program, 'Facts about Ana.' My religon, as you may have guessed, -Christian. I'm not exactly "hooked" on it or anything but it defenitly keeps me from crashing in airplanes and stuff, which is the main reason I'm not an atheist. After all, someone has got to keep me safe while I'm traveling.
Why do I like praying, you ask? Well, I haven't prayed in what feels like forever, but when I do it's because it makes me feel, well, peaceful... but more than that. Plus, my dear laptop, it's probably why I am still alive and typing today. So I've got to give "The Big Guy" some credit.
By the way, I don't know why I'm writing as if I'm writing to an audience or something, I mean it's not like anyone's ever going to read this. In my dreams, this journal thing would become a famous book read all around the world, but those are just my dreams...
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